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Office Of The Associate Dean

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Office Of The Associate Dean

Home / Office Of The Associate Dean 

Office Of The Associate Dean

Welcome to the University of Puerto Rico School of Dental Medicine, Office of the Associate Dean. Our mission is to promote and facilitate the academic progress of the students, as well as develop collaboration agreements with other institutions and initiatives. The Associate Dean assists the Dean in the academic and administrative tasks providing support to students, faculty, and the academic community. The Associate Dean serves as an ex officio member of all permanent committees; works closely with the faculty, along with the Assistant Deans, aiding in the maintenance of the school’s excellence. The Associate Dean represents the School in the Board of Integration and Educational Planning (CIPE); works in the accreditation and licensing tasks of the doctoral program; acts as a Liaison in procedures with the Office of the Registrar; authorizes licensure applications and the National Board Dental Examinations for students; and executes the certification and completion of the requirements for the granting of the Doctor in Dental Medicine degree, as well as Certifications of GPA, rankings, and school’s academic surveys and statistics.

Help us to be diligent!
Contact with the office or request for services via email is preferred:

Dr. Jocelyn A. Medina-Paneto
Interim Associate Dean
Office A-104, located at the first floor
Medical Sciences Campus
School of Dental Medicine
Phone: 787-758-2525 ext. 1111  

Mrs. Miriel Rodríguez
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 1108

Request Electronic Forms for Associate Dean’s Office

1. Request Class Ranking-Electronic Form – Document available to request a class ranking and GPA of the School of Dental Medicine..
2. Request CITA Application Electronic Form – Document available to request Dental Candidate Application Form from the Council of Interstate Testing Agencies, Inc.
3. Request Certification for Studies Electronic Form – Document available to request a certification for studies in the School of Dental Medicine.
4. Request Certification for Good Standing Electronic Form – Document available to request certification of good standing of the School of Dental Medicine.
5. Request Certification Complete All Requirements Electronic Form – Document available to request the student complete all requirement for DMD degree.
The University of Puerto Rico guarantees equal opportunity for its student’s employees and aspirants to study or work at the institution. The institution also promotes equal opportunity for its academic program, services and working conditions. The University does not exclude from participating, nor exclude from its benefits, any person because of reason of age, race, color, place of birth, origin or social condition, physical or mental impediments, sexual preference, political ideals or religion.

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