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Office of the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

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Office of the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

Home / Office of the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs 

Office of the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

Welcome to the University of Puerto Rico School of Dental Medicine (UPRSDM), Office of the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs. Our mission is to promote and facilitate the integral development, quality and optimal excellence in the area of academic affairs providing services support to students, faculty and the academic community of the UPRSDM.

Areas of activity include:
Ongoing curriculum review
Curriculum design and modification
Curriculum administration
Academic scheduling
Syllabi for all predoctoral programs
Assessment and evaluation of courses, students and organizational climate.
Contact us:
By email: 
Visit us: at the office A-104, located at the first floor in the Medical Sciences Campus-Guillermo Arbona building.

Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs

Dr. Gianna N. Piovannetti-Ortiz
Interim Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 1067
Ms. Migdalia Acosta Pérez
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 1109
Dr. Mitzy Pérez
Faculty Development Officer
Dr. Gianna Piovanetti-Ortiz
Academic and Institutional Assessment Director
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 1066

Electronic Forms for Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs’ Office

You can use the following electronic forms for different options of services from our office. Email:
1. Request Classroom-Electronic Form – Document available to request a classroom or amphitheater of the School of Dental Medicine.
2. Description of Elective Courses – Document available to read the description of each elective course available
3. Request Elective Courses - Form available on the portal for the student or graduate to request elective courses.
The University of Puerto Rico guarantees equal opportunity for its student’s employees and aspirants to study or work at the institution. The institution also promotes equal opportunity for its academic program, services and working conditions. The University does not exclude from participating, nor exclude from its benefits, any person because of reason of age, race, color, place of birth, origin or social condition, physical or mental impediments, sexual preference, political ideals or religion.

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